Award-winning artist Mark Harris received his BA in Fine Art at the University of South Florida. His experience in business and management in the publishing industry has reinforced a keen eye for aesthetic composition. His work is appreciated in many private collections throughout the United States.
A modern tonalist/expressionist, he depicts vivid landscapes and paints tapestries of colors that are simultaneously calming and rejuvenating. Having lived in Arizona, Colorado and the Sierra Nevada, Harris draws inspiration from the landscapes that surround him, creating energetic, colorful compositions that seem to have their own life. Harris lives and works in the Carson River Valley below Lake Tahoe.
Though Harris begins each painting with a preliminary plan, he allows himself room to change and adapt to what he feels the painting requires to capture the energy of the surrounding landscape. The carefully chosen colors – which contrast, compliment, and clash with each other all at the same time — give life to Harris’ paintings and create the dynamism that viewers find so compelling and relatable.